Version 0.08

This version I revisited some older code to try and simplify things and make sure that different systems are using similar logic to make things easier down the road. Behavior wise, not much has changed but some things are slightly different.

1. The "STOP" command has been (at least temporarily) removed, though it is still listed in the help book in case it comes back. It's only usage as of now was to "STOP reading" which has been replaced with "CLOSE [a book]".

2. Reading can now be initiated with "OPEN [a book]" as well as stopped with the aforementioned "CLOSE [a book]", the way that reading is tracked is now slightly changed to be more in line with how lying sitting and standing is handled but this shouldn't be noticeable outside of the change to "STOP".

3. The walking action has been changed temporarily. It now checks whether or not the player can access the destination through open doors, closed doors that can be opened, and locked doors that can be locked, and only proceeds if there is a path as before moving one room at a time. The goal is that eventually you will be able to type any destination and even if you can't reach it you will move towards the destination until you come to a door you cannot open, at which point the action will stop, however in order to do this I will need to write a custom path-finding logic which I might not work on until it's time to introduce npcs and npc pathfinding.

4. Unlocking is now done implicitly when trying to open a door which you can unlock (whether you have a key or you on the side of the door which locks without a key). As well if you try and keyless lock a key locked door ("Lock Door" vs "Lock Door with Key") or vice versa the action will be converted into the correct action if possible (it will still fail if you don't have the right key or aren't on the lockable side) and the same goes for unlocking.

My aim for future versions is to focus on filling the different buildings with rooms and furniture and using that to focus what systems get designed next, similar to how designing lying sitting and standing came with a chair object in  the 2695 Pine Street building. I will be starting with buildings in the neighborhood, and this building in particular first. The next object I plan to focus on are televisions which will have a pool of channels which all televisions can access as well as allowing them to be hooked up to another device such as a VCR, DVD player, or game console, this will most likely just be getting all of the systems designed to handle these different functions rather then writing out the different channels and such.

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Jan 18, 2023

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